On Thursday I took a step back from my project and realised the scope of it all. I started to get overwhelmed by it all and after much thought over the past few days I have decided to do a full 2D film instead of a 2D/CG film. The reason behind this is that I feel comfortable with the work load and although I've been testing different CG assets e.g. cell shading, chrome shaders and lighting, I'm not particularly enjoying the work. I don't want to start production where I'm unhappy with the work and the amount I need to do because it'll affect the quality of the work down the road. Another thing is that my intention for this project was to show my design style and animation skills using After Effects to create a short film. I'm happy with my progress in CG and have learn some new things and may return to the 2D/CG style further down the road in my career or free time. For now however, I want to stick to Illustrator and After Effects because I am really enjoying developing my skills in those softwares and seeing my characters come to life.
I am going to go back to the piece of inspiration that really got me excited to try Illustrator and After effects together to create a short film.
"Create a Cartoon in After Effects" - Tutorial Album on Vimeo
This week is the end of my first week of production schedule and I have finished all the pre-production for my film and recored some animation references. My final task of the week is to see how my characters look in my film.
I used my diner interior concept and placed my characters on top. I have decided through experimentation that it works best when the layout has just colour fill and the characters have lines. They stand out more and overall look like they belong in the scene.
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