Friday, 29 November 2013

More Research - New York Manhattan - Street Layout and Directions

To get across my film is set in New York City during the late 50's, I've decided to research the lower Manhattan area more. I went back to my earlier research of New York City and thought more about my layout in conjunction with the geography of the city.

Original camera set up reference - research done during Week 2

I set up the camera reference above facing the subway line I have in my exterior background but after closer inspection of the map, I've found out the camera (as above) would see the buildings in front at an angle because New York City uses a grid-iron road system.

I decided to change the angle of the camera reference so it would fit in with my exterior floor plan I've got going for my film. Using the map, I've decided to set my diner on 9th Avenue, about half way along the dotted blue line in the screenshot above.

Going back to the set up of the exterior assets, I have decided to use the geography research I've done over this term so far and place two street signs in my T-Junction - 10th Avenue, West 57th Street and 9th Avenue, West 51st Street (blue circled above).

10th Ave. 57th St. is on the left of my diner and 9th Ave. 51st St. is on the right of my diner.

I also thought about the surrounding area of my diner, and the kind of shops that might have been in Lower Manhattan during the 1050's. The area was a typical housing and business area which fits my film location well since I have apartment buildings in the fore and mid ground of my scene as well as some shop exteriors, namely a barbers, car wash and market store.

Another piece of interesting visual research I found was a collection of video clips that were recorded during 1950's New York 

1950's New York City video recording

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