Monday, 13 January 2014

Improving the Layout Staging

Following the feedback I received shortly after the Christmas break, and looking through the pre-production for my film, I've decided to rethink my layout staging. The reason behind this is because Hilary mentioned the layouts weren't interesting enough so they would affect the whole aesthetic and feel of a quite fast paced and quick cut filled film. Also, after illustrating all the exterior assets over the past month or so, I've become faster and better at using Illustrator to achieve the effect and look I want.

This morning I went through my storyboard and animatic to see how I could cut down the number of individual layouts I have to illustrate. At the end of the pre-production module I decided on 15 - 18 individual layouts of the diner interior, however after careful deliberation I have decided to use only 10 (11, including the exterior panning shot). Here is a screenshot of the Excel document I made to organise the layouts for each shot.

I have two large panoramic layouts that will be used for majority of the shots (seen above as Diner East and Diner West)

I began sketching the two large layouts this afternoon but haven't managed to scan them yet. Here are the other layouts sketches I drew up before the holidays. I am going to use some of these for final layouts.

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