Friday 2 May 2014

Shot Development

As well as animating my film, I have developed some of the shots further to make them better and flow more.

For the party sequence at the end, I decided to illustrate band members who would interact with the instruments seen throughout the film. I was originally not going to do this but have the instruments staying in their positions with the jukebox in the diner providing the music for the party, but I thought this wouldn't wok well for two reasons; one if that it's a New Year's Party where everything is over the top and loud and two, if I was going to have the jukebox jumping up and down in the background, this wouldn't work with the party guests and other party assets such as the balloons and confetti moving as the amount of assets would distract you from it.

Here are the designs for the party people and band members:

Original Drum Kit Set Up

New Drum Kit Set Up


Saxophone Player

Guitar Player

Drummer Keys

Saxophone Player Keys

Guitar Player Keys

Party Layout 

Party Layout Set Up

For the layout in which we see William revealed in his waitress uniform, I have decided to change the original idea of having a cut between his legs and his body to a pan, this will make the gag more humorous as a reveal through a pan rather than a cut will work better as the audience can follow the movement of the camera instead of getting used to the cut which takes a minimum six frames for the eyes to adjust to the new framing.

Shot 53

For the last shot of my film, I wanted to carry the party on after the shots before in which we see Betty partying with her friends and William serving them in a waitress outfit. To do this, I went back to the original Diner_AfterEffects and created a copy so I could develop the artwork whilst keeping the original file untouched (this is very important because any files edited after they have been imported, set up and saved in After Effects become edited too, and without back up copies on my hard drive, this would be absolute disaster, so the back ups are there just in case). 

Original Diner_AfterEffects file

Diner_Party development with front lights

Diner_Party development without front lights

Diner_Party lights (from the disco ball inside)

Diner_Party set up in After Effects 

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